Tuesday, January 15, 2013

01/15/13 - Day 21 - No Change Wasted (free sort of)

Today I blatantly stole a great idea for a random act of kindness from a guy with a blog.  His name is Kevin and here is his idea.

Kevin's Blog - Day 4

Basically you throw all of your change at the end of the day into a jar (or in my case a coin bank) and then at the end of the year you donate all of your change to a charity.  I haven't decided what charity I would like to donate it to yet.  But I will probably just make a choice at the end of the year.  There are so many worthy organizations.  It could be that an individual or a family is the one in need at that particular time. 

In job news...I had an interview today with four women at the Animal Protective League and it went really well.  I could tell they really liked me and they called me back right away to schedule a work shadow day.  That is going to happen on Thursday.  The job, as I expected, doesn't pay a lot.  But it is full time work with health benefits where I will be working with abandoned animals.  Even if I can't do it forever it will be rewarding work.  All the employees that I met were very nice and personable.  I feel like the attitude of the place is super positive unlike many of the jobs I have had. 

I also called a local nursing home and asked them if they would be interested in having me and a friend perform for their residents sometime in late February.  They said they would love that and sounded geniunely excited.  I am trying to draft a couple of my bandmates (all my bandmates are super good people) to help me out and make it really awesome.  Maybe we can do it a couple times.  We'll see. 

Money spent so far:  $82.63

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