Today was a somewhat normal day. I got up really early and took a drug test for my new job at the APL. That was weird. I always feel strange seeing a complete stranger handle my pee. It came back negative and I let the manager at the APL know. She was sort of confused because she hadn't received anything from the drug testing facility yet. I think she was trying to let me know she couldn't just take my word for the test results. Alright then. I guess we'll wait on the official results. Geez.
My anonymous kindness attack might seem a little self serving but hear me out. Today I joined reddit. This is easy and free and a pretty cool thing to do. I felt like it was time for me to actually join. I have been enjoying reddit for almost an entire year without being a real member. Reddit is a is a social news website where registered users submit content. Users can vote things up or down. It's pretty awesome. Some of the main interests that reddit users generally have are: cats, dogs, anything cute, science, science fiction, athiesm, memes, politics (very left of center), good deeds, environmental stuff, advice, jokes, stories, music, history, learning new things, astronomy, astronauts, this list could go on forever, etc. Here is a random picture of something posted on today's front page:
I think reddit is pretty fun and they do some cool things. The part that could really easily constitute an attack of kindness is my membership in redditgifts.
Necessary Links:
Redditgifts is a part of reddit where you exchange gifts with some random person across the globe or country. I am participating in the book exchange. The book exchange is generally partnered with a charity as well. Last year was I think it's an awesome idea to spread cheer and excitement and books across the country. Super pumped.
In musical news...I rocked out some "Material Girl" as a part of a songwriting/performing challenge. We were supposed to perform a song written or generally performed by a member of the opposite sex. I tried to think of the most stereotypically girl song that wouldn't totally suck. Madonna fucking killed it. Pretty sweet.
Money spent so far: $128.89
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