Today was a productive day. Felt sort of crappy while I was in the middle of it but now towards the end I can say that it was, in fact, quite a productive day. Woke up with ten minutes to get to work on time and somehow managed to do that. Left work and picked up a few things. Got home went for an hour long run.
I think it was about seven miles or so. My arms and shoulders started to really hurt while I was running. Not my legs or my guts. My arms and shoulders! We have workout club (weights and strength training) on Wednesday nights so that could explain some of it but still...I need to run more.
I don't think that finding a long lost friend is that arduous of a task anymore. With the internet and facebook you can pretty much stay "in touch" with people even if you haven't seen or spoken with them for years. But of course that's not really staying in touch. It's more a gossip newsletter. You can see who got married, divorced, pregnant, moved, fat, bald, old, etc. I wanted to try to get a little more personal with a friend of mine I haven't seen in nearly five years.
I actually sang at his wedding and that's the last time I saw him. I was able to sort of meet his fiance/wife then but not really. I think I remembered her from high school although she was a year or two younger than me. My long lost friend is a guy that I was really close with during a super awful time in my life and he really helped me through it. After I had my head on straight again we didn't hang out as much. We still talked pretty frequently when I lived closer to him (like in the same state) but once I moved away for college we really lost touch. We hadn't talked for almost two years when he asked me to sing at his wedding. I remember saying we needed to stay in touch and now here we are having not spoken five years later.
I decided in order to rectify the situation I would send him and his wife a gift. I don't have a lot of money and I know my friend wouldn't want me to spend a lot. Some people say this but my friend is the type of guy that means it. So I bought his wife one of those screw-top reusuable washable water bottles. I know that might seem sort of lame but I don't really know her that well and I figured this way at least I know it's something she can actually use. It's a pretty decent one. A name brand from Target. For my friend I reunited him with a piece of artwork that he had left at my house a long time ago. He may have never intended for it to even be considered artwork. It might have just been a doodle. But I know I held on to it for a long time. It's probably been hung up in whatever man cave I occupied for the past 13 years. He's a pretty badass artist and this picture was a little morbid but still pretty cool. It was a guy that looks like he's being attacked by zombies. I say "looks like" because the drawing wasn't finished. It was more of a sketch really. I sent that and a mix cd of all sorts of awesome songs. When we were close I would be constantly making him mix tapes or letting him borrow cds and tapes and records. It might be weird for a 30 year old man to send another 30 year old man a mix cd but I don't really give a fuck. I think I would love to receive one in the mail so why not send one to my long lost friend?
Money spent so far: $66.89
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