Pretty awesome day today.
Got a call from Animal Protective League telling me that they would like to offer the job to me. I am simultaneously happy and sad about receiving that call. I'm happy because I love animals. I'm happy because the people who work there are freaking awesome and super nice. I'm happy because I believe I will feel like I'm actually doing something worthwhile for my job. I'm sad for almost all the same reasons. How can something that is such a low paying job be so fulfilling on all those other levels? Meg (the girl who I job shadowed a couple days ago at APL) told me that the good far outweighs the bad with that job. I'm excited about it.
Today I donated clothes to the goodwill. This is a super freaking easy thing for most people. I, however, am not most people. I have been holding on very tightly to some super shitty clothes for a long time. Fortunately, there are times when I am able to disconnect myself from my material possessions. Today I filled a whole garbage bag with pants and t-shirts that I never wear. It's tricky business for me right now because I have recently lost about forty pounds and I fear getting rid of my fat-pants too soon might be a mistake. I really only have a couple pairs of pants that fit me properly right now anyway. Fuck it. Goodwill gets all the fat-pants.
I think Goodwill provides a service that almost seems like a favor. Categorizing my donating a bag of clothing as a good deed or a kindness attack might be a bit of a stretch. I have never donated to Goodwill of my own volition. This is new territory. I deem it worthy of an Anonymous Kindness Attack.
If you aren't familiar with Goodwill Industries you are missing out. They do all kinds of awesome stuff for a community. First, they give everyone a place to donate the stuff they don't need anymore. Second, they offer employment to people who might otherwise have trouble finding a job. Third, charity watch rates Goodwill as an "A." (These dudes are legit.) Finally, you can go there and buy cheap vinyl records and cassette tapes, something a nerd like me can't to anywhere else.
Goodwill - this is a link to their wikipedia page.
Stupid nice outside today too. Cleaned my car and worked. Randomly bought new bootlaces. Actually a pretty nice little Saturday...
Money spent so far: $83.08
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