I am a songwriter. I do not claim to be a good one. I have close friends that I know are better songwriters than myself. But today I wrote a song for my wife.
Man did I really piss myself off today. There is an open mic that a friend of mine hosts on Monday nights here in town that I typically participate in. It's a pretty fun community of singer-songwriters that come to this open mic. I started a challenge game where songwriters are required to use a phrase of two or three words in a new song each week. This week the phrase was "hard to love." We are supposed to use this phrase at least once in our song.
I always wait until the last possible minute to write my song. I'm not sure why I wait so long but I think there are two main reasons.
1. When I am up against the wall and forced to finish the song it actually forces me to make quick decisions and get it completed quickly.
2. I have always been bad about procrastinating.
So I worked hard to write a nice love song for my wife that included the phrase "hard to love." The song ended up sounding really good. But by the time it was my turn to play at the open mic I had completely forgotten the way the song went. It was embarrassing.
I did play the song for my wife when we got home for the night and she really liked it. Oh well.
Also, today was my first official day working at the Animal Protective League and it was pretty great. I definitely have a lot to learn but I think everyone seems to be pretty good and patient teachers. Fell in love with a little puggle named Izzy today.
Money spent so far: $162.09
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